Sunday, March 3, 2019

Squeaked through.

Just squeaked through this week. Weighed in at 261 so I lost a pound. But I really gained weight this week and then did a little intermittent fasting to make up the gap. Technically, I also only lost 6/10th of a pound, but I am only recording the whole number on the scale in the morning.

I have been on a little mini-vaca this week, took a 4 day weekend and a half-ish (a little more than half) day on Wed. I only went to the gym Mon & Tues, although I did do a 4 mile walk on Thu and an hour on my treadmill that same day. But, I also needed the rest. I took some extra days off work because I needed some me time, and I really pushed myself hard at the gym last week in anticipation that this week I would be easing off a little. Turns out I eased off a lot. But that's ok.

Today is my last day of mini-vaca, so I'm back to hibernation mode. See you next week. I'll have a better story to tell, too.

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